Asheville Resources
Asheville Resources will always be "under construction" as I find more things that I think will be helpful to you. Please come back often as I continue to add a variety of links and helpful information. Also, please feel free to let me know if you are looking for something specific. I may be able to help you.
North Carolina Real Estate Commission Brochures
The following brochures are provided for you by the state of North Carolina's Real Estate Commission to be sure you understand important information regarding real estate procedures, policies, and laws.
Please contact me if you have any questions about these Asheville Resources.
Green Building Certification Information and Checklists
These are checklists and information booklets about the different kinds of green-built homes you are likely to encounter in Western North Carolina. Visit Go Green! for more information specifically on green building and going green.
- North Carolina HealthyBuilt Homes Program This certification gives you a balance of energy efficiency and good health for yourself and the planet. It includes Energy Star certification and goes beyond. You can compare this check list with the Energy Star list below. As you can see, the builder doesn't have to do everything on the list, so you need to let your builder know what features you want or need before you build. If you're buying an existing certified homes, you should find out what items were included from the checklist.
Click here to read the PDF in your browser, or right-click to download it.
- Energy Star Guidebook and Checklist
This booklet is very helpful in understanding exactly what needs to be done for certification. There's also glossary at the back, after the checklist.
Click here to read the PDF in your browser, or right-click to download it.
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