Asheville Green Building
Asheville green building makes this a great place to move if you're interested in green living. If you see a green home in your future, we have some great green builders. You can purchase an existing green home or have one built.
But, wait! What is a green home?
Well, many people think first about energy savings. Yes, there's that, but also there's better health,. Those two add up to overall greater comfort!
You also can have peace of mind knowing that you're contributing to a healthier planet.
So, how do you know if a house has these green features? To be sure your new home is green, I would suggest you become acquainted with the different green building certifications in Asheville. It's also helpful to have a certified green Realtor, such as me.
Can you have a green home without buying a certified green-built home? YES! Of course, there are all different degrees of green, or should I say shades? Your Realtor should be able to help you consider the options.
There are local businesses that will assess your home's energy efficiency, give you a list of things you can do to improve it, and how long it will take for those improvements to pay for themselves. If you buy a home with me, I'll provide a free green retrofit assessment when you purchase your new home.
So, an older home may be made more green as a result of what you do to modify it and how you live in it, or you can move in to a home that was built from scratch to be green. This kind of home is likely going to be healthier and more efficient because the whole focus of the designers and builder was to make it that way from the site plan up.
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